Saturday, March 3, 2012


Do the words spoken eclipse the silence of the reality the word represents? If then no words are necessary. Just consider the paradox of the “sound of silence.”
The revelation of Being takes place in silence. The truth emerges from the interior depth of silence. And we have to face the “awe of that great mystery” in silence.
Pope Benedict XVI states the truth – “Christ is fullness, in him we find everything.” Hence it is our duty to appropriate one of the dimensions of his fullness. Can one appropriate ‘the silence of Jesus?’
Now, inclining towards silence would mean basically two things among the many other aspects it would lean on to:
 To hear in what is not spoken
Silence in the moment of non-understanding
Silence and understanding are very much connected. Did Pilate understand why Jesus kept silent when he was questioned? Jesus’ silence for Pilate was an external existential reality. He covered his non-understanding with “are you?”- Still groping to find and hear an answer to make a final judgment. Our silence should be such that we are aware of the weight of the body that we carry within us.

1 comment:

  1. I am too glad to read...and stop by the blog.... the Opposites...the latest and then on the Silence in the previous...

    Let the light of Christ and the silence of Christ which is 30 of the 33 years... continue to teach us and inspire our reflection !


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