Thursday, December 24, 2020

When God Comes....

When God comes, what happens to you? 

Either a total change or a stiff resistance.
A total change is characterized by the power of God overshadowing you. Do you feel it?
A stiff resistance is characterized by the scheming of Herod as he felt displaced by the coming of the king of the universe. He felt that he is incharge of his life and surroundings. Do you feel a sense of displacement? Or do you ever feel that your actions have a negative consequence aimed at thwarting the flow of a fully lived life? Do you see? Actions speak louder than words.
  • When God came to Mother Mary, she became a Carrier of God. She became pregnant. When she said "yes" to God, it changed her personal life, family life (she was betrothed to Joseph), and the course of the history of the world. Let us say an unconditional yes to God. It will change everything. But the change will always be discomforting (your comfort zone will be affected).
  • When God came to Joseph, he was no less affected. He had to discern to first of all to accept or reject the mother of God. He gives the charge of his life to God and allowed God to lead him. Then what happened? He became the protector of the humanity and divinity of Christ. When God comes you will go to any extend, wade through difficult waters of all sorts of inconveniences. 
  • However, when God comes to a ruler (Herod), it really unsettled him (in fact the entire Judea was shaken). He never allowed his impulsivity to be transformed, it led to violence and destruction. Herod is like some of us who pushes our plans and fail to know the ways of God.
God comes when you decide to be generous with your life and resources (that means other significant lives are important....So you are not limited only to your comfort zones). God comes when you allow yourself to be led by God at all moments of your life (this means that you believe that One who is in control of your life is not you but "God").
Let's birth our Savior at this Christmas!
Let's allow ourselves to be led at this Christmas!
Wish you a very Happy Christmas!