Thursday, March 25, 2021

Yes or No

 A 'no' can instantly put away an internal inconvenience. But a 'yes' will definitely cause you much trouble as you will weigh the possible consequences in human terms. But a soul attuned to the will of God will be confirmed of His mighty actions - the influence of God in the soul ("the power of the Most High will overshadow you), 'do not be afraid', you have won God's favor not man's'. "Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum".

The above lines were my WhatsApp status (March 25,2021) post on the solemnity of the Annunciation. I received the following responses to my post:

A friend of mine agreed, "yes it's TRUE. But as human beings, we fail to draw the line as to where we should say No and where we should say YES and then the troubles begin.

My response: Where we should say yes and where we need to say no is an important distinction to be made and is definitely a human dilemma.... imagine you are accompanied by a friend or a travel guide to a place not familiar to you but known to your friend. You trust your friend wherever he or she takes you without ever questioning. I suppose on the way, you ask for directions from someone, it is a direct insult to the friend who is taking you around. You just trust and move on with the firm faith that your friend is trustworthy. You do not have unjust doubts about your friend's possible connection with human trafficking. Say "yes" to all that builds up a person and "no" to all that would bring destruction and unhappiness. Remember, saying "yes" to God is equal to a life of happy inconvenience. For example, saying yes to a man in marriage is a happy inconvenience as you have to live with him for your whole life. It is the exclusion of all other possible men in your life.

Another friend of mine was intrigued by my example of 'doubting the friend with a possible connection with human trafficking.' I explained - if a friend involved in selling human beings for whatever purpose, such a person can cajole you and sell you (your "unquestioned yes" and possible destruction). So a friend is not so much questioned about his intentions. Saying "yes" has consequences. He sought clarity and asked - Are you telling me to say "yes" without unnecessary thinking of the possible mishaps and believe blindly.

Blind belief does not enter the picture. Because "yes" is always an informed consent - will you be my wife? Are you willing to join the Salesians of Don Bosco? Those will involve probing questions like those Mary did ask - How can it be? or like the seminarians who would join you - will I be sent for studies if I join the Salesians? Will I be a saint?

He explained his stand. Mary, having said her yes did not only asked probing questions but did not believe blindly. He went on further If Mary went with haste to the hill country of Judea to meet Elizabeth, in a way it is not blind faith. If she visited Elizabeth, is it not out of her innocence rather than getting upset with the consequences of an action?

I replied- Mary said "yes" to God and His will. This means that there is no wrong in doing God's will without trying to understand His will.  Because God is a guarantee. "The power of the Most High will overshadow you," "you will conceive.." If you are still in doubt, a confirmed sign is given to you - a woman (Elizabeth) who was called barren is now in her 6-month pregnancy. Sanctity consists not in understanding God's will but in doing God's will. So there is no importance to blind faith here because "faith is the assurance of the things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen." (Heb 11:1).

If you happen to read this, do you think that it is a play of words as my friend noted? No worry! The problem existed from time immemorial. God was Word. Word was with God. So if we are not in God we will not be able to interpret the original meanings of the Author (God). We will have many towers like Babel. People are getting lost in data and not in relationships. Relationships either with God or with humans bring some or full degree of conflicts. Think about it.

Mary was in a relationship with God, so she got into trouble - became pregnant with God. St. Joseph was in trouble - he is now considered at least by some as the patron saint of holy abstinence.

Just think: What would be the consequences if you say "Yes" to God.

Jordan Peterson. one of the prominent intellectuals in the western world, in one of his interviews, said - when I am asked the question of belief in God, he had different answers - 'Maybe", perhaps yes, etc. He considers the plausibility of belief in Christ. He says, "Christ is a terrifying reality. I do not know what would happen to me if I fully believed." Yes has a consequence. So is acting in the world as though God existed.

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