The Following is a homily Delivered by my Deacon Friend (Christopher) today. I publish it here on my blog with his permission....

First of all there is Michael. We find him
in the Book of Daniel, in the Letter of St Jude and in the Book of
Revelation. Two of this Archangel’s roles become obvious in these texts.
He defends the cause of God’s oneness against the presumption of the dragon,
the serpent. It is the serpent’s continuous attempt to make men believe that
God must disappear from the scenario in order to obtain greatness and so we
must get rid of Him. So it is the duty of the priest, as
a man of God, to make room in the world for God, to counter the denials of him
and to defend man’s greatness. Michael’s other role is that of protector of
the People of God (cf. Dn 10: 21; 12: 1). Dear friends, we must be the true
“guardian angels” of the Church which will be entrusted to us. We have to help
the People of God to accept good and reject evil.

Thirdly, there is Raphael. He is presented to us as the Angel to whom is entrusted the task of healing in the Book of Tobit. Raphael heals the relationship between Tobias and Sarah, marked by the curse of death; he heals the wounded union between man and woman. He heals their love. Every priest is entrusted with the duty of guiding men towards the reconciling power of Christ’s love. He must be the “healing angel” who helps them to anchor their love to the sacrament. Secondly, the Book of Tobit continues to speak of the healing of blind eyes. We all know that today we are threatened with blindness to God by various ways. Healing this blindness is entrusted to the priest. One way of healing is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation which in the deepest sense of the word is a sacrament of healing.
So my dear friends,
Let’s remember that just as angels, the priests must lead
humanity to God; must knock on the door of their hearts to announce Christ;
must heal the wounds of relations between man and woman and save them from sin
with reconciliation and forgiveness. Let’s today ask the archangels to pray for
us that we might fight bravely the influence of evil, be strengthened by his
grace in living out his plan for us, and that we may be healed of our wounded
hearts, minds and bodies. Amen.
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