Saturday, April 20, 2013

Issues in Education - Parents and Their Role

Fulton Sheen in his book “Thinking Life Through” he writes about the training of children and the role of a mother. He says, “The tragedy today is that parents themselves are so often without any convincing standards to offer for the guidance of their children.” Rudyard Kipling once said, “Give me the first six years of a child’s life; you can have the rest.” Napoleon was once asked, “When does the education of a child begin?” He answered, “Twenty years before its birth – in the education of its mother.”

Certain things that are visible today in the circle of the education of the child are: Parents are often worried about the future of their children. The father of the child is often not seen because he is the bread winner and supplier of finance. And a slow process of breaking the umbilical chord is a necessary condition for a child to insert itself to the society to be a part of a larger support system. Hence, school alone does not educate the child without being part of the first school of education – home.

1 comment:

  1. compliments for the wonderful insight on the role of teacher parents friends in education of child. Keep it up and continue to provoke the mind and heart of people within your contact. (Fr. Sunil Barla, Rome)


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