Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Attempt at an Indian Theo Dance Drama

                                                              (Light background music)
Narrator: God always desired to create a community of persons. In fact He did create a community not only of persons but in the right sense of the cosmic unity of all that God created. Soon the created reality became corrupt. Devilish men and women were born, who sowed the seeds of disharmony, jealousy, hatred and anger. They considered independence over interdependence to promote the ideas of ‘my soil, my country’. 

(The wise men laments)

Man 1:  O God of heaven and earth!
Man 2:  We owe nothing as our own, because you have created us for yourself.
Man 3: The land, the space we inhabit and the air we breathe can never have any claimants.
Man 4: Yet in claiming much blood is shed, innocence is betrayed, egos have swollen, man and nature signed a certificate of divorce, air polluted, anonymity in human relationships increased…
Man 1: Where are you God of the earthly and heavenly bodies? How long shall we put up with this perennial ignorance, a loveless life?
Man 2: It is better to have a horrific end than to have an endless horror…..

Narrator: When dharma declines adharma takes ascendency. Now God, the creator directly intervenes to win back the fallen men from the clutches of evil. He comes to protect the good, to destroy the wicked and to establish righteousness…
            (Naradha comes in chanting)
Paritranaya sadhunam
Vinasaya ca duskrtam
Sambhavami  yuge yuge (BG 4:8)

He recreates the entire creation. He speaks. His Speech has power(the earth quakes and the waters of a great Tsunami rises (mimicry artists enact the act of creation…… (since the dogs can easily sense the impending earthquake, they cry.. man who misunderstands the sign throws a stone at the dog, the dog cries.. the puppies sensing a threat to their existence cry for a long time……. Now the sound of Tsunami, wind….. and all the possible noise of chaos…..)
God Shiva destroys to create
A great calm…..Order (rta) is restored to creation. (Since it is an act of creation, Life is again blessed with fun, laughter. It is always a dancing to the tunes of Divine music)
God rejoices over the new creation in a great dance together with the animal kingdom….
The cosmic dance….. (The dwarfs and the monkeys, men).

1 comment:

  1. The dance symbolizes movement, energy.
    Even before all the negativity we may encounter in reality, the dance of life goes on - this is his promise "i will be with you till the end (when and in what way it may be is his Right) of the world. (Mt 28:20) as commented by Fr. Bijoy Parackal, sdb via email....


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