Question one
First Article
Thus we proceed to the first article:
Objection 1: It seems that no one on earth can be called a teacher. Now the definition of a teacher holds that he/she is a knowledgeable person. But the ultimate knowledge is God, for He is Omniscient. Therefore no one on earth can be called a teacher.
Objection 2: Further no one on earth can be called a teacher. For Jesus himself says “Do not call anyone on earth your teacher for you have only one teacher.”
On the Contrary: The Sloka goes thus, “Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha, Guru sakshaat Parabrahma tasmai sri guruve namaha.”
I answer that, it is evident that God is the source of all knowledge since He is All-Knowing. But God shares His knowledge with the rational creatures though not in its essence. A being receives the knowledge not essentially but by participation in the Divine Knowledge. Now, a being participates according to the mode of its existence. Just as anything on fire is not fire itself but fire by participation, we find on earth some people who are more attuned to the Divine Knowledge and participate in it in a deeper manner. Such people are held to be teachers. Therefore someone on earth can be called a teacher.
As it is said above one is called a teacher in as much as one is also able to direct the student towards God. Sant Kabir Das says that it is the Guru (teacher) who shows God to the student. Now all the teachers through the participation are blessed with the grace to lead their pupils to the Supreme Knowledge i.e. God. This is a sufficient reply to objection one.
Reply 1: God’s knowledge is infinite and that of his creature’s finite, the gap was bridged by the second person of the Trinity who as a mediator brought the knowledge of God to earth and made available to the creatures. He passed on the God’s Knowledge to the Apostles. Thus one is also a teacher in as much as one shares in the teaching ministry of Christ, the teacher of teachers. Since all our professors here share in this sacred ministry of imparting God’s Knowledge primarily they are called teachers.
Published with permission from William D’Souza SDB (this is an intellectual property of William)
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